Thursday, October 13, 2011

sepak takraw scissor kick(tips and warnings)

 form of art used in sepak takraw . There are many forms of spikes used in this game but i chose scissor kick for its positions are good and easy to change while in mid-air. well you must:

focus on target. left foot up, right foot up to kick the ball and body levels the net,aim the ball with  strength

Scissor your legs while in mid-air. The "scissor" motion requires switching the position of your legs while you are floating above the ground. Drop your knee at the same time you kick your launching leg upward.

A scissor kick can also be performed while running. This is a good way to make up distance quickly if you are far from your target. Just remember to thrust the knee of one leg upward and kick with the other leg. Jumping upward is more important than jumping forward when performing a scissor kick. try not to touch the net.

Your foot should impact the target with one of three surfaces: the ball of the foot, the instep or the heel. 

you can practice alone with own risks and ball tide up on walls,branch and even leaves of trees.
 practice makes perfect but no one is perfect.